Phylum Chordata (amphibian)


Bufo sp. 
Morphology of a frog

Bufo sp.

Rana sp.


Rana sp.

  • The common frog (Ranatemporaria) is a semi-aquatic amphibian of the family Ranidae, found throughout much of Europe as far north as Scandinavia and as far east.
  • Common frogs metamorphose through three distinct developmental life stages — aquatic larva, terrestrial juvenile, and adult. 
  • They have corpulent bodies with a rounded snout, webbed feet and long hind legs adapted for swimming in water and hopping on land.
  • They have a dry 'warty' skin. 
  • The spawn of the two species also differs in that frogspawn is laid in clumps and toadspawn is laid in long strings. 

Bufo sp.

  • The common toad, European toad, or in Anglophone parts of Europe, simply the toad (Bufobufo, from Latin bufo "toad").
  • It is one of a group of closely related animals that are descended from a common ancestral line of toads and which form a species complex.
  • The toad is an inconspicuous animal as it usually lies hidden during the day. 
  • It becomes active at dusk and spends the night hunting for the invertebrates on which it feeds.
  •  It moves with a slow, ungainly walk or short jumps, and has greyish-brown skin covered with wart-like lumps.

  •  Chondrichthyes are fishes that lack bone. 
  • Instead, the skeleton is composed of cartilage that is partly calcified. 
  • The group comprises two subclasses: Elasmobranchii and Holocephali. 
  • The elasmobranchs include sharks and rays of which there are more than 800 species, whereas the Holocephali (chimaeras) is a much smaller group of about 40 species.
  • osteichthyes - bony fish: yellow perch.
  • Skeleton more or less bony, vertebrae numerous.
  • Skin with mucous glands and embedded dermal scales.
  • some without scales.
  • Paired fins.
  • Mouth with many teeth (some toothless).
  • jaws present.
  • Respiration by gills supported by bony gill arches and covered by a operculum.
  • amphibia - salamanders, toads, frogs.
  • reptilia - turtles, crocodiles/alligators, lizards, snakes.
  • Have body covered with scales made of keratin
  • fertilize eggs internally
  • Produce eggs with shells and internal membrane stucture.
  • Are cold blooded and absorb heat from environment.
  • aves - birds.
  •  Birds are endothermic and, because they fly, they require large amounts of energy, necessitating a high metabolic rate. 
  • Birds have an insulating covering that keeps heat in the body: feathers.
  • mammalia - mammals.
  •  There are seven major characteristics that distinguish the 4500 unique species of mammals from other animals.
  •  Mammals are air-breathing, warm-blooded and have a backbone, but these traits alone do not set them appart them from all other animals. 
  • Mammals are uniquely capable of regulating their body temperature via their metabolism and sweat glands.

